Foster An Animal

Because we do not operate a facility, we cannot save lives without foster homes. That’s where you come in! As a foster parent, you will save a life each time you take in a new foster animal. WAAL provides all food, litter, kennels, and vet care; you simply provide a warm and loving, temporary home!

Animals might need a foster home because they’re too young or small to be adopted, they are sick or injured and need some time to recuperate, or they need help learning proper manners and socialization. You get to pick who you foster so the time and energy that is needed will also be up to you!

We need fosters for:

  • Adult cats and dogs
  • Nursing litters of puppies and kittens
  • Orphaned kittens and puppies that need bottle-fed
  • Animals with medical needs like amputations and orthopedic surgery

Fostering with WAAL is a partnership and we are with you every step of the way with resources, camaraderie, tips, daycare, and professional trainers.

What expenses will I have?

None! WAAL covers all vet bills and provides all food, litter, toys and kennels. We even pay for doggy daycare if needed.

How long will I have my foster?

We want every foster parent to keep their animal until it’s adopted, and unfortunately, there is no way of knowing how long that will take.

What happens if it’s not a good fit?

We have great resources, trainers, daycare centers and vets that we work with to solve any problem. However, if it just isn’t working out, we will move your animal as quickly as possible.

What if I work a lot?

We have animals that are lower maintenance and can work well in a home with a busy work schedule.

What if I get too attached?

You’re obviously going to love your foster, otherwise you wouldn’t be fostering! Sometimes it can be hard to let go, and fosters do have the option to adopt their animal.

Do I get to choose my foster?

Absolutely! We work hard to find the perfect fit so that fostering is easy and enjoyable. You plan an integral part in deciding who you foster, based on your ability and time.

Are there any health risks to me or my pets?

We often don’t know an animal’s history when we bring them into care. We have trainings and handbooks to show you how to keep any associated risk to a minimum. These protocols were developed and approved by our vet.

What kind of ongoing support do you provide?

This is a partnership! We are in routine contact and offer trainers, daycare options and a community of other fosters for tips/tricks. You will have access to WAAL reps day and night.

Aren’t rescue animals kind of “broken” and typically have a lot of issues?

Most rescued animals just need a little TLC. They might be shy, have minor medical issues, be too small/young or simply not do well in the shelter environment. They really are great pets who just need a second chance at life.

Can my child foster?

We have several teenagers who foster for volunteer hours. Parents need to sign a release, but fostering is a great “test” of responsibility before you commit to a permanent pet.